Today, more than 2 bilion hectares of previously productive land is degraded

Waiting is not an option

Desertification is associated with biodiveristy loss and contributes to global climate change through loss of carbon sequestration capacity and increase in land-surface albedo.
Around 15% of the worlds migrants have migrated because of environmental changes, and it is estimated that around 135 million people could lose their home due to desertification by 2030.

Our mission:
sustainable development

Desert Farming contributes directly to the fulfillment of many SDGs, while it touches upon others indirectly. Discover how our venture can promote sustainable development in local communities and in the society.

Desert farming promotes the
Sustainable Development Goals.

By creating jobs and increasing the yield from farming, DF can contribute to reducing poverty in the treated areas.
For families practising subsistence agriculture, an increase in yealds and extra land to farm can mean a fuller belly and a healthier diet.
LNC treatment allows the soil to hold water and nutrients, while preventing fertilizers to leak to groundwater. At the same time, the root zone irrigation system saves a substantial amount of water.
During the treatment of the soil, DF will employ the local workforce. In addition, by farming areas that were previously thought to be impossible to farm, jobs will be created.
Desert Farming will create durable agricultural infrastructure, promote innovation and expand the local industry by creating new demand.
The combination of LNC and root zone irrigation system allows to save water and prevent the spillage of fertilizers to groundwater, promoting the sustainability of communities.
DF will allow for a richer and more responsible production of food, promoting food security and making agriculture greener.
Fighting desertification has numerous positive effects on the environment. Growing plants in desertic areas can help reduce CO2 emissions and lower the surface temperature.
LNC stops the percolation of water not only into groundwater, but also in nearby seas, rivers, streams, and other water bodies.
DF helps protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification and reverse land degradation.
The future of DF depends on creating strong partnerships with local, national, and international stakeholders and promoting partnerships with different levels of society.